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About Cam

Cam grew up in the south-east suburbs of Melbourne and came to faith as a teenager.  After learning to serve in a number of contexts in "everyday church life," he soon became aware of a call to pastoral ministry.  His first pastoral role came in the form of youth ministry in Frankston, Victoria - a role he enjoyed and learned a lot over around 4 years.  Following this, Cam led a youth ministry in Armadale, Western Australia where hundreds of teenagers attended each week, and where several thousand teens were presented with the gospel over a 5 year period.

In 2009 he made the change from being an Assemblies of God pastor to taking on roles in various Baptist churches.  This began with an associate role in Sydney, followed by a senior pastor role in Wangaratta, Victoria.  His current role is at Mount Gambier Baptist Church, where he has served as the senior pastor since 2016.

In ministry, Cam has a number of passions:  Teaching scripture faithfully, public speaking, and training and mentoring others.  In recent years, he has sought to share his skills with other pastors, and is now branching out in making this service open to more ministers - he knows well the journey of learning ministry in many contexts, and has lots of insight and experience to draw from.  Additionally he began the Devotions in the Deep End podcast in June 2020 with a view to teaching the whole New Testament in short but in-depth episodes.  This project will continue for many years to come! 


Lastly but certainly not least, Cam serves as a lecturer to Masters students at Kawthoolei Hope Bible Seminary - a theological college for Karen refugees on the Thai-Burma border.  A significant portion of the proceeds earned through services on this website will be used on serving people in this region.

Cam has been married to Jenny since 2001.  They have 2 dogs.  They love to travel - Jenny loves shopping; Cam loves finding new golf courses to play and new breweries to sample.  Outside the fast-paced world of ministry, Cam's hobbies are ones that take time and patience - working out and staying fit, home gardening, renovations and building projects, creative cooking, home brewing and golf.  He is also on an ongoing pilgrimage to find the perfect coffee!  He is a fan of professional wrestling after falling in love with it as a kid, and he remains hopeful that his football team (North Melbourne) will one day have success again!

Cam Buchanan
Cam Buchanan
Cam Buchanan
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